Best Tips for a Great Labour

Best Tips for a Great Labour

Best Tips for a Great Labour

25% Discount until the end of June Promo Code AO852020

Many mothers to be ask me is there any way to predict when their labour will start and my answer is no.

We don’t fully understand what triggers the onset of labour and there is no way to predict exactly when it is going to start.

It is very exciting thinking about meeting your baby for the for the first time,  but many mums worry about how they will cope with labour and delivery of their baby.

It is very important to approach labour with a positive mindset, because childbirth can be a wonderful experience.

My best advice is to prepare for labour, delivery, practice you breathing and relaxation through your online antenatal classes .

Great Labour

Here are the top ten tips for a great labour:


  • Once you have completed your antenatal classes , completing your birth preferences helps you prepare for labour. While you cannot plan the event you can still have some ideas as to how you would like your experience to be. Discuss it with your partner, he might like to cut the cord or he might like to announce if it is a boy or a girl.



  • Everyone experiences their own labour and delivery and no two people have the same experience. So stay positive and don’t listen to other peoples stories unless they have a positive story to tell you.


  • Take lots of rests in the last couple of weeks, don’t be tempted to go for long walks, too much exercise will exhaust you and you need to mind all your energy for your labour and birth of your baby.


  • Towards the end of pregnancy it is difficult to eat, please make sure you eat small portions often. First time labours can be long so it is important that you have plenty of energy stored for the event.


  • Look at your contractions in a positive way remembering that each contraction is bringing you closer to your baby.


  • Prepare for labour with your partner so that he knows your concerns and wishes, if you don’t feel able to express how you are feeling or not clear on what is happening or being said your partner can help by asking for you.


  • In early labour use the bath to relax in as water is a good form of natural pain relief and remember your breathing throughout labour, practice your breathing ever day as demonstrated by Joanne the Chartered Physiotherapist in .


  • Remain upright for as long as you can during labour as this this gives baby more space, less pressure on your pelvic joints therefore less pain. Remember to practice the positions demonstrated by Joanne the Chartered Physiotherapist in .


  • Your labour will determine what type of pain relief you will use and no one knows how they will cope until on the day. If you opt for an injection of Pethidine or an epidural that is what is best for you so don’t beat yourself up thinking you have failed you have not.


  • Prepare for labour with your partner so that he knows your concerns and wishes, if you don’t feel able to express how you are feeling or not clear on what is happening or being said your partner can help by asking for you.


  • Finally, believe in yourself, women have been giving birth for a long time and if they can do it, so can you. By doing your antenatal classes will help you understand your body what is happening during labour and delivery. They will help dispel some of the fear you have around labour.


Labour is an empowering experience and once you have your baby in your arms you will realise it was all worth it.


Good Luck and remember you can do it,  and the reward is great.

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